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Site Map

site map
1 . About NTSU
      1-1 . NTSU History
      1-2 . Visitor Information
      1-3 . Taoyuan City
      1-4 . Visitor's Accommodation
      1-5 . Key Dates
      1-6 . NTSU video
2 . Academics
      2-1 . College of Physical Education
            2-1-1 . Graduate Institute of Physical Education
            2-1-2 . Department of Sport Promotion
            2-1-3 . Department of Adapted Physical Education
      2-2 . College of Athletics
            2-2-1 . Department of Sports Training Science-Combats
            2-2-2 . Department of Sports Training Science-Balls
            2-2-3 . Department of Sports Training Science-Athletics
      2-3 . College of Exercise and Health Sciences
            2-3-1 . Graduate Institute of Sports Science
            2-3-2 . Department of Athletic Training and Health
      2-4 . College of Management
            2-4-1 . Graduate Institute of International Sports Affairs
            2-4-2 . Department of Recreation and Leisure Industry Management
      2-5 . General Education Committee
            2-5-1 . Center for General Education
3 . Administration       3-2 . Vice President's Office      
      3-3 . Secretariat
      3-4 . Office of Academic Affairs
      3-5 . Office of Student Affairs
      3-6 . Office of General Affairs
      3-7 . Office of Research and Development
      3-8 . NTSU Library
      3-9 . Information & Technology Services
      3-10 . Personnel Office
      3-11 . Accounting Office
      3-12 . Centre for International Affairs
      3-13 . Office of Physical Education
      3-14 . Pu-Yuan Education and Training Center
4 . Admission
      4-1 . Degree-seeking students
      4-2 . Incoming-exchange students
5 . Study With Us
      5-1 . Health and Insurance
      5-2 . Visa and ARC
      5-3 . IT Service
      5-4 . Catering Service
      5-5 . Transportation
      5-6 . Physical Recreation
      5-7 . Campus Map
      5-8 . Security
      5-9 . Accommodations
      5-10 . Student Activities
      5-11 . Learn Mandarin
      5-12 . FAQ
      5-13 . Contact Taiwan
6 . Graduate Institute of Athletics and Coaching Science


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